How to achieve a healthier workplace?

  • Six steps to healthier work
  • Achieving recognition

Six steps to healthier work

Achieving a healthier workplace takes a commitment to keeping your employees healthy and well.

Six steps to healthier work

It’s more than ticking a few boxes. It is a proactive and integrated aspect of your day-to-day work across the entire organisation. And it pays off!

1. Establish workplace commitment from leadership

You need a formal organisational commitment and support from management. Then identify a key leader or leaders, develop a workplace health and wellbeing policy and assign a budget.

Sign the Healthier Work pledge
Read our Workplace health, safety and wellbeing policies information sheet

2. Build a healthier work team

Form a workplace health team that considers human resources, WHS and wellbeing, with representatives across all levels of your business. Have your social committee and wellbeing committee report to this overarching group.

Use our How to build a healthier work team information sheet

3. Bring what you are already doing together in a plan

Look at what your organisation is doing well. Many businesses already see the value in certain strategies, such as risk management systems or clear position descriptions. Celebrate what you’ve already achieved.

Use our achievement/plan template

4. Identify your gaps: do a needs analysis

After identifying any existing initiatives, look at priority needs and interests of employees. Involve employees early to help formulate ideas. Also identify workplace needs.

Use our gap assessment tool

5. Create a health and wellbeing plan

Create a plan that includes timelines and strategies you intend to use in your program. Make sure you include a start date and emphasise the support of management. Consider both immediate and longer-term implementation, as well as performance indicators to help assess your progress.

Use our achievement/plan template

Use our workplace category sheets to explore all the practical solutions to achieve a healthier workplace. Each category information sheet offers potential strategies and actions you may apply in your organisation.

6. Manage and evaluate your plan

Undertake sound program coordination, regular communication and record keeping. Evaluate and review progress against your action plan and communicate progress and results to all employees.

Use our achievement/plan template

Achieving recognition

As part of the Healthier Work Program, you’ll need to meet a list of annual requirements to achieve recognition and the acknowledgement that comes with it.


  • Complete the recognised-level application form
  • Complete the gap assessment tool
  • Commit to a healthier workplace by signing the pledge
  • Engage with the Healthier Work team for information and advice


  • Complete the silver-level application form
  • Complete the gap assessment tool
  • Commit to a healthier workplace by signing the pledge
  • Provide supporting evidence that your business meets the silver-level requirements
  • Participate in 1 meeting each year with the Healthier Work team


  • Complete the gold-level application form
  • Complete the gap assessment tool
  • Commit to a healthier workplace by signing the pledge
  • Provide supporting evidence that your business meets the gold-level requirements
  • Participate in 1 meeting each year with the Healthier Work team


  • Complete the platinum-level application form
  • Complete the gap assessment tool
  • Commit to a healthier workplace by signing the pledge
  • Provide supporting evidence that your business meets the platinum-level requirements
  • Participate in 1 meeting each year with the Healthier Work team