Work environment

  • Workplace category
  • Resources

Workplace category

Work environment

Create a safe, inclusive and comfortable place to work.

The work environment is the physical and psychological spaces created by your organisation.

  • What equipment is used by your employees?
  • What spaces are available for different tasks, lunch breaks or meetings?
  • Do you have the right lighting, heating/cooling, and cleanliness?
  • Are materials and equipment well maintained?


What you can do

Certain spaces can encourage healthy behaviours, such as facilities for showers after a ride to work. Policies, and systems for reporting and managing risks, such as trips or falls, bullying and fatigue are essential. Ongoing employee training to prevent injury is a core responsibility of an employer.


1. Physical and psychological hazards

Identify potential hazards that could affect people’s physical or psychological safety. Have systems for employees to report concerns.

  • Have a risk management system across the entire business
  • Clearly define how to identify, eliminate or reduce/manage all safety risks
  • Make it easy for all staff to see and respond to hazards


2. Workspace

Design spaces for specific activities or preferred ways of working. The way you set up workspaces can encourage healthier behaviours.

  • Provide spaces where people can have confidential conversations
  • Offer dedicated break space/s for relaxation and social connection
  • Minimise isolation by providing opportunities for face-to-face interactions


3. Plant, equipment and materials

Regularly assess and maintain your plant, equipment and materials. Ongoing training can prevent injury.

  • Check the equipment is right for the job – it may need to be replaced or updated
  • Have equipment maintenance schedules and audits
  • Keep bathrooms and kitchens clean and offer useful items


4. Vehicles, buildings and structures

Assess and maintain vehicles, buildings and structures. Policies and systems should be accessible and practical.

  • Consider the accessibility of your work locations for employees or clients with a disability
  • Make sure all locations have a compliant emergency plan
  • Make emergency equipment part of a regular inspection and maintenance program



Please note: These are only suggested resources. Organisations should consider their own needs when selecting resources to use.


Physical and psychological hazards




Plant, equipment and materials


Vehicles, buildings and structures