National Capital Private Hospital

Located in Garran ACT, the National Capital Private Hospital provides a range of acute and medical healthcare services including orthopaedics, cardiology, cardiothoracic surgery, general surgery, neurosurgery, plastic surgery, vascular surgery, urology and geriatric medicine. “Healthy staff leading the way is how we show Canberra we are an elite hospital,” says Jessica Kearney, Health Information Manager

Centre for Invasive Species

The Centre for Invasive Species are our latest Recognised workplace!!  After seeing a post on Facebook from Healthier Work, the Centre's Champion Ian got in touch with Healthier Work to get the ball rolling on creating a healthier environment for the staff at the Centre for Invasive Species.  After consultation with staff and the development

Allied Health Office/Clinical Education Unit (Recognised)

Welcome to the Recognition Scheme, the Allied Health Office/Clinical Education Unit!!  After holding a Sunflower growing competition amongst staff over the last couple of summers, the team decided it would be great to hold some competitions and other health and wellbeing activities throughout the year!  This was the origins of a Health and Wellbeing Plan

The Woden School (Silver)

Congratulations to the Woden School for upgrading to Silver Status Healthier Work Recognition coming into term 1 at the school! Staff at the Woden School have come together to really push health and wellbeing for the staff to counter stress in the workplace and to build connections across the staffing unit.  The staff have access

Aspen Medical (Silver)

Aspen Medical is an Australian-owned, multi award-winning, global provider of guaranteed and innovative healthcare solutions across a diverse range of sectors and clients including defence, mining and resources, oil and gas, government, and humanitarian. Aspen Medical has been dedicated to providing a variety of health and wellbeing options to their staff for many years, so

Lend Lease

Congratulations to Lend Lease for gaining Healthier Work Platinum Status Recognition!!  After four consecutive years of health and wellbeing plans, Lend Lease have built upon successes and taken some great learnings about what works and what doesn't for their staffing unit here in Canberra.  Mental Health First Aid is an annual offering for staff, as

Master Builders ACT (Recognised)

Congratulations to Master Builders ACT for gaining Healthier Work Recognition!  The Health and Wellbeing Champions at MBA launched into the program with some quick wins, including bringing in a fruit bowl for staff, implementing an open invitation to a weekly walking group and inviting staff to bring in a plant for their workspace.  These quick

Alta Pete (Recognised)

Congratulations to Alta Pete for gaining Healthier Work Recognition! Being a small team of six staff, Champion James, wanted to instill a culture of health and wellbeing as they grow.  Being happier and healthier has many benefits, not only for the staff, but also for the organisation.  The staff can look forward to getting involved

Independent Property Management

Independent Property Management has extensive and thorough knowledge of the local rental market. The team are skilled negotiators, problem solvers, wealth creators and trusted advisors for their clients in relation to all things property. While Cleo, the old English sheep dog, is just  one – albeit very cute – element of Independent Property Management’s health

Nexus Human Services – Gold Status

Nexus Human Services is a disability employment and NDIS provider. They offer a wide range of support services for individuals with mental health issues or other disabilities in their journey to finding employment. Support services are also available to assist people already working to maintain employment and develop career aspirations. It has taken a few